Daily Devotional for March 19 – 25
Sunday Continued Navarrre Commentary on Luke Luke 5: 27 After these things He went out and saw a tax collector named Levi, sitting at the tax office. And He said...
Orthodox Quote for March 18
“All Christians…when rising from sleep must first think of and remember Christ. Let every pious man continually repeat this Name as a prayer in his mind and with his...
Orthodox Quote for March 17
“We were created to live on earth unlike animals who die and disappear with time, but with the high purpose to live with God not for a hundred years...
Orthodox Quote for March 16
“We humans, through our own, God-given, free will, have the capacity to turn our backs on God, to reject God. It’s not that God cannot forgive us, but God...
Orthodox Quote for March 15
“The only means by which you can spend the day in perfect holiness, peace, and without sin, is the most sincere, fervent prayer as soon as you rise from...
Orthodox Quote for March 14
“When we have a thought against someone, even if that thought is justified, that thought—which won’t allow us to forgive—makes us slaves…. Because of the inability to forgive, there...
Orthodox Quote for March 13
“If we want, Christian, to have our heart filled with divine love we must first empty them of the love of this world, its frivilous and sinful customs and...
Orthodox Quote for March 12
“The souls of the departed can indeed benefit to their ‘advancement,’ and even the damned to a relative ‘relief’ of their lot, thanks to the prayers of the Church...
Daily Devotional for March 12 – 18
Sunday ^Thoughts on prayer from Archimandrite Sergius this week God has so much to give, and yet so often we are so busy telling Him what we want; or...
Orthodox Quote for March 11
“Blessed is he who has become a doer of good works and, like a fruitful field, brings forth a great abundance of the fruits of life in the #8221;...