Daily Devotional for February 12 – 18
Sunday *Commentary from the Catholic Navarre Bible Luke 2:21 And when eight days were completed for the circumcision of the Child, His name was called Jesus, the name given by...
Orthodox Quote for February 11
“The Elder frequently used to say that prayer is the soul’s oxygen; it is the life of the soul; it is the mirroring of man’s spiritual progress and condition. ...
Orthodox Quote for February 10
“Orthodox and those groups…use the title “Father” as an honourific for their clergy. Orthodox clergy all dress alike—the same black cassock, the same pectoral cross… the same Orthodox Faith...
Orthodox Quote for February 9
“What a joy to know something so well, and you then turn around and teach others. Teachers of our Faith come in all shapes and sizes. From Sunday School...
Orthodox Quote for February 8
“…without humility, it’s impossible to take even a single step towards accomplishing a truly Christian good deed, which, being based on humility, is accompanied by and distinguished by it...
Orthodox Quote for February 7
“If we reduce our high calling to legalism or a simple list of deeds to perform, we will have missed the point. For being united with Christ in holiness...
Orthodox Quote for February 6
“Stillness of soul! Without it there is no chance for repentance, without which there can be no true humility. Why? Because stillness alone reveals what lies hidden within our...
Orthodox Quote for February 5
“…it is hard to see the image of God in people who treat us badly, rail at us and mock us, who look more like animals than human beings;...
Daily Devotional for February 5-11
Sunday *Excerpts this week from the Catholic Saint Josemaria Escriva from Christ is Passing Mortification is not pessimism or bitterness. Mortification is useless without charity. That is why we...
Orthodox Quote for February 4
“Do not cry, brethren. We will not endure for a long time. The hour will come and we will rejoice, but now we need to endure and stand up...