Orthodox Quote for November 21
“If you want to correct others, correct yourself, and then be zealous for others. This is the law of Christ. This is how you will bring joy to the...
Orthodox Quote for November 20
“Too often, we have less patience and faith before the challenges and disappointments of our lives than Peter did. Too often, we convince ourselves that it is pointless to...
Daily Devotional for November 20 – 26
Sunday Readings from the Old Testament Book of Ecclesiasticus Ecclesiasticus 1:All wisdom cometh from the Lord, and is with him for ever. 2Who can number the sand of the...
Orthodox Quote for November 19
“It is indeed a hopeless picture to see someone mourning over the loss of a loved one, missing them deeply, with a profound sense that there is no way...
Orthodox Quote for November 18
“What does it mean to take up your cross? It means the willing acceptance, at the hand of Providence, of every means of healing, that is offered, bitter though it...
Orthodox Quote for November 17
“Christian apologists of the second century clearly knew that the pagan gods were demons in disguise. The apologists drew attention to the immoral antics of the so-called “gods” and...
Orthodox Quote for November 16
“Spiritual friendship is rooted in a common Christian faith, is nourished by prayer for each other and speaking to each other from the heart, and is always inspired by...
Orthodox Quote for November 15
“The Angels, as heralds of Christ, strive to save each soldier with their love, no matter which side he fights for. And this pain is felt for the mothers...
Orthodox Quote for November 14
“Prayer and fasting are not to be performed merely for the individual, or for one people, but for everyone and everything (“in all and for all”): for friends and...
Orthodox Quote for November 13
“Turn your mind towards Him continually. Learn to love prayer, familiar converse with the Lord. What counts above all is love, passionate love with the Lord for Christ the...