Daily Devotional for November 13-19
Sunday Mark 15:6 Now at the feast he was accustomed to releasing one prisoner to them, whomever they requested. 7 And there was one named Barabbas, who was chained with his...
Orthodox Quote for November 12
“From the very first moment of baptism, grace inhabits invisibly in the depth of the soul, hiding its presence from the senses of the newly christened. When he begins...
Orthodox Quote for November 11
“Why did God, from the beginning, reveal himself to people? Because, as we have said, the natural knowledge of the human mind concerning God, even before the fall of...
Orthodox Quote for November 10
“I started by telling you that preaching is a joyous and yet a grave endeavor and this is precisely why: I will be judged on whether I have taught...
Orthodox Quote for November 9
“The Christian paradox lies in the fact that, while seeing his own imperfection, if a Christian sincerely wants to be with Christ he will want to bring his appearance...
Orthodox Quote for November 8
“This is the oil that we must constantly have, to add it to the lamp of faith, to live the Kingdom of Heaven here and now, to live according...
Orthodox Quote for November 7
“If God values the poor, we have to think about what that means for us… Charity is giving with no return, no profit, no recognition; giving with absolutely no...
Orthodox Quote for November 6
“Sometimes people become accustomed to reading the same prayer rule and begin to read it by heart without thinking about its meaning. In this case, it is useful to...
Devotional for November 6 – 12
Sunday “The Old Testament says: “My spirit will not remain with man because they are #8221; This applies today. Sodom burned just like a nuclear bomb. Christ does not...
Orthodox Quote for November 5
“It is the same way with the Kingdom. You may be an ideal servant, but a son will inherit the estate. There is only one way you can become...