Orthodox Quote for July 8
“Three icons comprise the core of our iconostasis. In the center, of course, is the image of the Savior—the Merciful Pantocrator, Whose name is Love. On His right hand...
Orthodox Quote for July 7
“The Virgin Mary who offered us the Savior is truly our mother to all because she understands maternal love, since she was a mother, and understands our filial suffering...
Orthodox Quote for July 6
“I can remember how, when I lived in the desert, I became angry with the rushes because they were either too thick or too thin; or with a piece of...
Orthodox Quote for July 5
“If something happens to a member of the community, the community should be aware of it, bring this person groceries, visit him, or help him in some other way....
Orthodox Quote for July 4
“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken #8221; (Fr Themi of P4K Orthodox Mission)
Orthodox Quote for July 3
“…I discovered: sin offerings could only be offered for certain kinds of sin, “lower level” sins, such as sins not premeditated or done out of ignorance. So sins committed...
Daily Devotional for July 3 – 9
Sunday Elder St Paisios on Waste… “…if we don’t want to lose out in vain, worldly gains, how much more must we be careful not to harm ourselves spiritually!...
Orthodox Quote for July 2
“We have no lack of opportunities to answer His call in our families, workplaces, friendships, and neighborhoods, as well as in this small parish. No one else is married...
Orthodox Quote for July 1
“There must be respect for the freedom of the other person. Just as Christ stands at the door and knocks and does not force an entry, but waits for...
Orthodox Quote for June 30
“We ought to rejoice that God is not ’ *intelligible to us, because He will remain a subject of investigation through all eternity. If the mind could comprehend Him it would...