Orthodox Quote for May 7
“We Christians must understand: the wrath with which war burns is the wrath of hell. The enemy of God drinks in not so much human blood as human bitterness...
Orthodox Quote for May 6
“No matter what provokes it, anger blinds the soul’s eyes, preventing it from seeing the un of righteousness.” (St. John Cassian, ‘On the Eight Vices’)
Orthodox Quote for May 5
“Christ respects the freedom of those who have rejected and humiliated Him, waiting until the end of time, on the day of Universal Judgement, to repent, if they wish. ...
Orthodox Quote for May 4
“At this time, the world seems to lie in the darkness of conflict, pain, and grief. Yet, even now, with God helping us, we can face whatever our circumstances...
Orthodox Quote for May 3
“The Lord has visited us with a special trial and sorrow this year. The forces of evil have gathered over us. But we neither murmur nor despair, because Christ...
Orthodox Quote for May 2
“It is a tragedy that many Christians in our times have lost the significance of Paschaltide. We fast and meditate through Lent, and forget everything with the Resurrection. After...
Orthodox Quote for May 1
“We must not lose sight of the glorious mysteries of Holy Week as we return to the mundane succession of calendar days. Instead, we must strive to carry this...
Daily Devotional for May 1-7
Sunday Continuing to read Acts… Acts 3: Now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour. 2 And a certain man lame...
Orthodox Quote for April 30
“The light of Christ is given to us as Orthodox Christians to lead us in the pilgrimage and witness of our life. The light of Christ is given to...
Orthodox Quote for April 29
“The men who wrong us, do not so by themselves, but by the extent of the allowance of God, because they are an instrument of #8221; (St. Macarius of...