Orthodox Quote for April 19
“An Orthodox Christian conscience is created by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ acting within us. It is difficult to form this conscience. But once a Christian acquires...
Orthodox Quote for April 18
“The key to our salvation is the holy sacrament of confession. Without this ordinance is no salvation. We can do all kinds of feats of fasting, prayer, vigil, charity,...
Orthodox Quote for April 17
“The bells not only called people to the beginning of worship, but by means of ringing different bells or different ringing patterns, they instructed those who could not make...
Orthodox Quote for April 16
“How is a child ever going to learn to behave in Church if they aren’t in Church? How can we expect our children to prioritize Church if we don’t?...
Orthodox Quote for April 15
“It is from the Church itself that man becomes a partaker of the divine nature, as he enters into the closes relationship with the Holy Trinity. Where God is...
Orthodox Quote for April 14
“This is why the true theologian is not the one that attends university courses and excels due to remembering some dates and names or writing a thesis. The true...
Orthodox Quote for April 13
“We must not despair when we struggle and continuously see nothing but the slightest progress. We all do nearly nothing — some a little more, some a little less....
Orthodox Quote for April 12
“It is not only by shedding the blood of a person, by depriving him or her of this bodily life that we become murderers. How often people have been...
Orthodox Quote for April 11
“For example, regarding those whose “opinion, creed or party” is not Orthodox Christian, should we not work for their salvation by prayer, faith and good works? If we cannot...
Daily Devotional for April 17 – 23
Sunday Palm Sunday Antiphons Another Troparion, tone 4: As by Baptism we were buried with Thee, O Christ our God, so by Thy Resurrection we were granted immortal life, and...