Orthodox Quote for April 10
“I could go on with many other examples of where I have been given the opportunity to be a missionary for our Faith; and they all cost nothing. No...
Daily Devotional for April 10-16
Sunday We find ourselves in a fight during Lent. The individual wrestles with the reality of his or her addictions and insecurities. The Christian community suffers through grumbling, gossip,...
Orthodox Quote for April 9
“I think that the biggest enemy [of Christianity] is soft-Christian, secularized religion, consumerism with religious overtones, the dissolution of Christian values in a hateful religion of pleasure and excellence…violent...
Orthodox Quote for April 8
“We must remember that God Himself is the author of marriage and that the well being of the individual person and human society at large is closely bound up...
Orthodox Quote for April 7
“As Orthodox Christians, we too dwell under the shadow cast by every assault on the sanctity of human life, whether it be against the unborn, the infirm, the terminally...
Orthodox Quote for April 6
“Wherefore, beloved brethren, against all the devil’s deceiving snares or open threatenings, the mind ought to stand arrayed and armed, ever as ready to repel as the foe is...
Orthodox Quote for April 5
“Acquire a peaceful spirit and then thousands of others around you will be saved. ” (St. Seraphim of Sarov, 19th Century Russian Saint)
Orthodox Quote for April 4
“If you just pray and at the same time quarrel, you are jealous, you fight, you answer bad words with more bad words, you will not reform your family,...
Orthodox Quote for April 3
“In order to pray in this way, we must bear in mind the method of prayer, how it is possible to pray without ceasing, to pray with the...
Daily Devotional for April 3-9
Sunday Isaiah 50:4-6; Job 19: “The Lord God has given Me The tongue of the learned, That I should know how to speak A word in season to him...