Orthodox Quote for October 3
“Always say: ‘Welcome, sickness! Welcome, misfortune! Welcome, suffering!’ It’s hard, but I have to do it in order to see what lies behind the sickness and the temptation. And...
Orthodox Quote for October 2
“When we set ourselves apart from others we are not Christians. We are true Christians when we have a profound sense that we are members of the mystical body...
Orthodox Quote for October 1
“In these conditions of spiritual crisis with no way out, there inevitably comes upon us the chief question of a worldview: what am I living for if there is...
Orthodox Quote for September 30
“Inasmuch as the earthly and visible Church is not the fullness and completeness of the whole Church which the Lord has appointed to appear at the final judgment of...
Orthodox Quote for September 29
“Only a Christian who has turned to the Lord with the help of various prayers, hymns, and spiritual songs that have been sanctified for centuries can have the appropriate...
Daily Devotional for September 29 – 30
Sunday +Knox version New Testament with Navarre Catholic Commentary this week Commentary on 1 Peter chapter 1 cont: The Christian has attained the honour of being a son or...
Orthodox Quote for September 28
“Progress means that each thing grows within itself, whereas change implies that one thing is transformed into another …. The growth of religion in the soul should be like...
“Man is placed in this world as its steward, not its ultimate master or owner, and the creation around us is given to us not as a right, but...
Orthodox Quote for September 26
“God will not ask you whether you taught your children French, German or Italian or the politics of society life – but you will not escape divine reprobation for...
Orthodox Quote for September 25
“It is moreover an allusion to ancient history; for in the deluge this creature appeared bearing an olive-branch, and tidings of rest to the world. All which things were...