Orthodox Quote for March 6
“In our Lenten journey our labors of prayer, fasting and almsgiving are the means by which we knock on the door of God’s mercy. Guided by our conscience we...
Daily Devotional for March 6 – 12
**All Lenten weekday devotions will be from St Nikolai’s Prologue Sunday An Orthodox Christian knows that the Lord rules the world, cares for its preservation and turns all negative...
Orthodox Quote for March 5
“…when we open our mouth in the presence of Almighty God mostly He hear from us mercy….mercy…mercy. Why is this so fundamental….because mercy is so fundamental with God Himself.”...
Orthodox Quote for March 4
“…it is also a great struggle for one to bear all the burdens of the world today, when everyone demands that his neighbor fulfills all the commandments, while ignoring...
Orthodox Quote for March 3
“The words lay, laity, layman come from the Greek word laos which means people. “Laikos,” layman, is the one who belongs to the people, who is a member of...
Orthodox Quote for March 2
“Sometimes God will provide for a soul to have a dialogue at the time of death, so that the person himself may repent even at the last minute, or...
Orthodox Quote for March 1
“We should so live a life of faithfulness that future apocalyptic events have little relevance for us…God will do what seems good to Him and bring The End when...
Orthodox Quote for February 28
“The spiritual life does not require years. Within a second, one can find himself gone from hell into Paradise, if he repents. Man is changeable. He can become an...
Orthodox Quote for February 27
“First of all, when reading Scripture, we are to listen in a spirit of obedience. The Orthodox Church believes in divine inspiration of the Bible. Scripture is a “letter”...
Daily Devotional for February 27 – March 5
Sunday **Excerpts from Christ is Passing by from Catholic St. Josemaria Escriva If the world has come from God, if he has created man in his image and likeness...