Orthodox Quote for July 15
“The lot of the Christian in this life is one of constant warfare with the world and its temptations; and even love, if it be not the love of...
Orthodox Quote for July 14
“God is the center of the circle, and people – the radii. As they come closer to the center they come closer to each #8221; (Elder Nectarius of Optina,...
Orthodox Quote for July 13
“A young man is all fired up whereas an old man is lit up from within. We have to be able to keep the fire going while we can...
Orthodox Quote for July 12
“Recognition of life as a miracle and acceptance of having a family as a sacrifice are two key questions.” (Fr. Nicolae Tanase of Romania)
Orthodox Quote for July 11
“In illness I learned things that many years of ascetic labor could not give me.” (Elder St Pasios commenting on his life with cancer)
Daily Devotional or July 11-17
Sunday Matthew 25: 1“ Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2Now five of...
Orthodox Quote for July 10
“Man is in the image and likeness of nature… But as a creator, as one knowing good and evil, as a thinker, contemplating the entire universe, he is the...
Orthodox Quote for July 9
“Some have afflicted their bodies by asceticism,but they lack discernment, and so they are far from God.” (St Anthony the Great, ‘Sayings of the Desert Fathers’)
Orthodox Quote for July 8
“Unfortunately many Christians judge their faith according to how much spectacular it contains. The words: humility, simplicity of faith, hard labor, repentance and prayer no longer please the modern...
Orthodox Quote for July 7
“Many children leave the Church after entering university. One of the greatest troubles in California is the general recognition of homosexuality. If you say that homosexual relations are a...