Orthodox Quote for April 2
“Contemplate the miraculous withering of the unfruitful fig tree (Matthew 21: 19)…How my life too, which has many leaves— bodily cares, desires and thoughts— but is without spiritual #8221;...
Orthodox Quote for April 1
“Christian, you have a holy obligation without fail to attend the Liturgy piously and to commune of the Holy Mysteries. If the old men and women of nineteenth century...
Orthodox Quote for March 31
“…the grace of God is to be found where there is true humility, divine humility, perfect trust in God, total dependence on Him. It is a priceless thing to...
Orthodox Quote for March 30
“The Church knows about the miraculous, salvific and healing power of the Cross and of the sign of the Cross from her centuries-old experience. The Cross protects a person...
Orthodox Quote for March 29
“It is harmful to remember previous sins in detail. For if they bring you sorrow, they will estrange you from hope, but if they are remembered without sorrow, they...
Orthodox Quote for March 28
“The task of the Church is to bear witness to the Truth in any place, both here and around the world. And if we ignore the substitution of Christian...
Daily Devotional for March 28 – April 3
Sunday **This week continues St. Theophan’s ‘Thoughts for Each Day’ To more strongly impress the truth that men ought always to pray, and not to faint (Luke 18:1) and...
Orthodox Quote for March 27
“I think the expectation of constant activity was just too high. Perhaps the things we were doing were good. Perhaps they were all worthy of a blessing, but to...
Orthodox Quote for March 26
“Let us think about this; we are not called to enslave nature, but rather to free it from the prison of corruption and death and sin, to free it and to...
Orthodox Quote for March 25
“We…are aware of the part played by Divine Grace in the Virgin Mary’s life and are aware of the perfection of her virtue. However, we cannot lose sight of...