Orthodox Quote for August 30
“Conscience in men is nothing else but the voice of the omnipresent God moving in the heart–the Lord knows all …. Watch your heart throughout your life; examine it,...
Orthodox Quote for August 29
“Those who only hear about spiritual meditation and prayer and have no direct knowledge of it are like men blind from birth, who hear about the sunshine without ever...
Orthodox Quote for August 28
“Let no one enter this sacred area having earthly cares or distractions or fears. Once we have left all these outside the gates of the church, then let distractions...
Orthodox Quote for August 27
“Prayer comprises the complete fulfillment of the commandments; for there is nothing higher than love for God. (Isaiah the Solitary, Philokalia Vol 1)
Orthodox Quote for August 26
“And a Christian then experiences the heavenly bliss of which there is nothing higher on earth. No troubles or sufferings of any kind can overshadow this blissful peace in...
Orthodox Quote for August 24
“The help of God is always ready and always near, but is only given to those who seek and work.” (St Theophane the Recluse, excerpt from his writings)
Daily Devotional for August 25 – 31
Sunday **Readings this week from Catholic Bishop Fulton Sheen’s ‘Life of Christ’ –We begin after Christ’s Temptation in the Wilderness… Throughout the Gospels whenever there is a warning, like...
Orthodox Quote for August 24
“We talk about the devil more than we do about Christ. We don’t talk about Christ, about light, about Paradise, about the Holy Spirit, about the joy of the...
Orthodox Quote for August 23
“In truth, they abandoned everything; more than father or mother, more than son or daughter they loved Christ and the glory of God. Therefore they received an incorruptible crown…We...
Orthodox Quote for August 22
“In our secular society, one of our basic and most fundamental dogmas is that human beings are worthy; that we are basically good at heart, and that the Church’s...