Orthodox Quote for March 24
“The mysteries of our Faith are unknown and not understandable to those who are not repenting. And those who are unbelievers or have little faith do not see them,...
Orthodox Quote for March 23
“…an artist or poet has no particular cause for pride. He is only doing his share of the work. In vain do they suppose themselves to be the creators...
Orthodox Quote for March 22
“The conditions of the world today are quite different from what they were in the past. The whole phenomenon of the apostasy, of the falling away from the truth,...
Orthodox Quote for March 21
“Don’t consider marriage an obstacle to pleasing God, because if marriage and the bringing up of children were to become an obstacle on the path of virtue, the Creator...
Daily Devotional for March 21-27
Sunday Elder St Paisios on Lent: “In order for God and the Saints to help, one must desire it and ask for it; otherwise, they do not intervene. Christ...
Orthodox Quote for March 20
“We must pray, fast, and practice generosity this Lent in order to open our darkened hearts to the brilliant light of Christ so that we will be able to...
Orthodox Quote for March 19
“Few people here look at the greatness of our nation from this perspective. They usually talk about material wealth, the might of the army, some external political matters, the...
Orthodox Quote for March 18
“Every soul is a pearl. Everything depends on how it is polished. And the polishing — that is what spiritual life is, spiritual effort.” (Fr Alexander Men+, teachings on...
Orthodox Quote for March 17
“It was not by my own grace, but God who overcame it in me, and resisted them all so that I could come to the peoples of Ireland to...
Orthodox Quote for March 16
“If you thought of something without your mind, it is yours. However, if you thought of it with your mind, it is God’s, since your mind is a creation...