Orthodox Quote for February 27
“We tempt God when we ask something from Him while our life is far removed from Him. We tempt Him when we ask for something, but our life is...
Orthodox Quote for February 26
“In the context of the present pandemic, humanity is going through a difficult period, regarding human health and life. That is why today, when many people are in isolation,...
Orthodox Quote for February 25
“We battle with the One who loves us beyond measure and thus cannot be contained in any of our conceptual categories. He is simply the One who loves us...
Orthodox Quote for February 24
“If you preserve at least a small part of your child-like purity, a small part of your innocence, you will always hear the voice of your angel, guiding you...
Orthodox Quote for February 23
“We sometimes hear people say, ‘I’m only #8217; We hear it in songs, in conversation, perhaps in confession. It sounds like an excuse in our fallen condition not to...
Orthodox Quote for February 22
“’Enter thou into the joy of the Lord thy God.’ Small are the goods of this present life, in comparison of the goods which are to come ; but...
Orthodox Quote for February 21
“Holy Scripture is like a very deep well wherein is comprised the infinite wisdom of God. If someone thirsty dives into this well to drink of all its water,...
Orthodox Quote for February 20
“It depends on ourselves whether we will remain far from God, for He is ever to be found close at hand. To be near or far from Him depends upon a man...
Daily Devotional for February 21-27
Sunday John 10:1“ Most assuredly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs up some other way, the same is a...
Orthodox Quote for February 19
“With God all is well with us, even in and suffering—even in hell itself; without Him heaven and paradise are as #8221; (St Tikhon of Zadonsk)