Orthodox Quote for July 23
“Always remember eternal judgment and do not forget your departure, and no fault shall be imputed to your soul.” (Abba Evagrios in the Gerontikon)
Orthodox Quote for July 22
“Militant secularism is aimed not only at religious holy sites and symbols by demanding that they be removed from the public domain. One of the main directions of its...
Orthodox Quote for July 21
“My child, fight the good fight of eternal life. Make a good beginning to obtain an excellent end. Keep your nous entirely engrossed in the recollection of Jesus, and...
Orthodox Quote for July 20
“Our faith must have philotimo [Christ-like outlook and attitude], and that’s where the philotimo-filled struggle begins. And the more we struggle with philotimo, the more our faith will increase,...
Orthodox Quote for July 19
“If a person is overcome by dread, and becomes despairing of the End Times — whether they are Christian or secular — then they have not been thinking about...
Daily Devotional for July 19-25
Sunday 1 Peter: Dearly beloved: Be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous: not rendering evil for evil, or railing...
Orthodox Quote for July 18
our souls whiter than snow (Ps. 50:7), • love of God and fellow creatures who are made in the image of God: this is the great commandment of God,...
Orthodox Quote for July 17
“I want people to know that Satan will use the passions to destroy you but, it won’t stop with you. Satan wants to see the passions destroy families as...
Orthodox Quote for July 16
“It’s the only church where you are required to adapt to it rather than it adapting to you…’The Marine Corps’ of Christianity.” (Comments on Orthodoxy noted by Frederica Mathewes-Green)
Orthodox Quote for July 15
“As children of the Resurrection our life in this world is a season of waiting. The tempests of time cannot blow their winds into a heart whose haven is...