Daily Devotional for August 4 – 10
Sunday Continuing with the Old Testament highlights this week… Genesis: the Flood continued: And after that forty days were passed, Noe, opening the window of the ark, sent forth a...
Orthodox Quote for August 3
“…soon after an occasion of becoming angry I am reminded of what it would be like if Christ were to return for me now. The anger always leaves at...
Orthodox Quote for August 2
“…do not cease crying out the name of Christ. At every breath meditate on His divine name. Even if your mind wanders don’t worry, because this continuous meditation and...
Orthodox Quote for August 1
“Spiritual life is an unending, never-abating war with the enemies of our salvation. Never let your soul fall asleep. Your spirit should always be alert. In this battle you...
Orthodox Quote for July 31
“Every day we must have our passports in our hand. We don’t know what can happen. Once I confessed someone in a hospital with nods then they died. He...
Orthodox Quote for July 30
“…our calling is to live out a life in Christ regardless of what our profession is. To offer a Christ-like witness in whatever our profession is. In whatever we...
Orthodox Quote for July 29
“It is a society that has been bred on self-esteem and pride. This has infected nearly every aspect of life. Actions and works that ought to cause shame, are...
Orthodox Quote for July 28
“It comes without an invitation. Therefore, pain takes you where you would never have gone yourself. It’s important to understand that pain is an opportunity for our spiritual development....
Daily Devotional for July 28 – August 3
Sunday **We will being ‘Divine Twilight’ which is a condensed version of the Old Testament. Commentary will be added now and then. Formatting is problematic due to the old...
Orthodox Quote for July 27
“Listen, I’ll explain this thing that seems like a mystery to you. In the evening during my prayer when I had finished and wanted to rest I saw Satan...