Orthodox Quote for June 9
“Do not separate yourselves from Christ and from the Church. Do you hear the priest ringing the bells? Rise at once, wash yourselves, and go to church. Attend the...
Orthodox Quote for June 8
“The Orthodox who thus abandon the traditional teachings of the Church are abandoning Christ. The task of true Orthodox Christians at present is to witness to the Truth and...
Orthodox Quote for June 5
“Usually temptations are a substitute for spiritual life, which is deepened by fasting. If you take the feat of fasting on yourself, then you take that path, if not,...
Daily Devotional for June 7 – 13
Sunday – Feast of Pentecost Acts 2: In those days: When the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly...
Orthodox Quote for June 6
“Prayer for the world is the content of the life of a monk. Those living, those dead and those yet to be born are gathered into the monk’s heart...
Orthodox Quote for June 5
“A person must attain a kind of divine absence of mind in order to experience inner tranquillity and not be distracted by outside noises while praying. One can actually...
Orthodox Quote for June 4
“Christianity is a religion of revelation. The Divine reveals its glory only to those who have been perfected through virtue. Christianity teaches perfection through virtue and demands that its...
Orthodox Quote for June 3
“…someone may ask, is not the canon of Scripture sufficient for everything, and why should we add thereto the authority of Tradition? This is because not everyone understands the...
Orthodox Quote for June 2
“…the altars of our Orthodox churches are built toward the East. When we pray, we turn to the As the sun looks most beautiful at sunrise, and as it...
Orthodox Quote for June 1
“Have you ever stopped to value the freedom which you possess? Have you rejoiced at the wondrous beauties of nature set by the Lord before you at every step…Have you looked...