Orthodox Quote for February 28
“Would we but apply Christ’s teaching to all our problems, we would see that there are great challenges for us to meet and that God has a purpose in...
Orthodox Quote for February 27
“If we have the true Christianity, there should be something in our midst that someone who sincerely loves the truth will see and want.” (Fr Seraphim Rose+ on the...
Orthodox Quote for February 26
“If ninety-nine of us are good and saintly but one of our brothers is far from our solace and support, in sin and darkness, be sure God is not...
Orthodox Quote for February 25
“The more a person denies himself, the more he sacrifices himself, the more he dies to the old man, then the more there lives within him the new man,...
Orthodox Quote for February 23
“Ingratitude and greed are evils. A person that is possessed by material things is always possessed by worries and anxiety. He trembles at the thought that he may lose...
Daily Devotional for February 23-29
Sunday 2 Corinthian 11:19: Ye suffer fools gladly, seeing ye yourselves are wise. For ye suffer, if a man bring you into bondage, if a man devour you, if...
Orthodox Quote for February 22
“Humility is reproaching yourself always in any temptation or any matter whatsoever, and always justifying your brother. The greatest temple, in which God delights to dwell, is that which...
Orthodox Quote for February 21
“…a mother, a real mother, is the most wonderful person in the world. She’s the angel voice that bids you goodnight, kisses your cheek, whispers ‘sleep tight.’’ This is...
Orthodox Quote for February 20
“All over the world, from Asia to South America, some 120 different peoples and cultures have kept the memory of a great, universal flood, which is known to us...
Orthodox Quote for February 19
“The Old Testament is the history of God’s preparing mankind to receive the Truth, the Resurrection, and the Life, God in the flesh, Christ Jesus. The Lord Jesus Christ,...