Orthodox Quote for February 19
“The Old Testament is the history of God’s preparing mankind to receive the Truth, the Resurrection, and the Life, God in the flesh, Christ Jesus. The Lord Jesus Christ,...
Orthodox Quote for February 18
“… we are but guests here on this earth. We are guests for a brief span of time, a very brief period that comes out of a mystery and...
Orthodox Quote for February 17
“Just say the prayer without ceasing. He, my dear child, is the tempter—the devil—and only the prayer burns him, and fasting severs his nerves; it unnerves him.” (Elder St...
Orthodox Quote for February 16
“The Lord never commits evil. But people look at His works as misfortunes and sorrows, while the Lord does these things only for the sake of good and for...
Daily Devotional for February 16 – 22
Sunday (Septuagesima Sunday or 70 days until Pascha/Easter) 1 Corinthians 9:16 For if I preach the gospel, I have nothing to boast of, for necessity is laid upon me;...
Orthodox Quote for February 15
“Contact with spiritual people is most beneficial – even more so than spiritual study – because the joy of this spiritual relationship provides a great impetus to one who...
Orthodox Quote for February 14
“Love sinners, but hate their deeds, and do not disdain sinners for their failings, so that you yourself do not fall into the temptation in which they abide… Do...
Orthodox Quote for February 13
“I have a loaf of bread to eat; you do not have. Love tells me: Do not eat it alone, give some to your brethren and you eat the...
Orthodox Quote for February 12
“The result of all human activity has two elements: pleasure and pain. Pleasure always comes first since the ailing intention prefers it or rather actively looks for it. Every...
Orthodox Quote for February 11
“Confession is a second baptism in which we are purified of our passions, in which our passions are be¬numbed. Thus divine grace comes through the sacraments.” (St. Porphyrios in...