Orthodox Quote for July 17
“So whatever good thing a person thinks, it is due to the grace And now, if you exert yourself in the prayer and pray continuously, if you read lives...
Orthodox Quote for July 16
“It is time for children to learn how to live as the odd man out. Throughout all times, faith had been inalienable to faithfulness to God. I think that...
Orthodox Quote for July 15
“Let us say, that there are two people sitting at a table, eating. In front of them is a plate with 10 apricots. If one, because of his gluttony,...
Orthodox Quote for July 14
“Man ought to will to know himself, to know God, and to understand the nature of things as they are in themselves, and this becomes an image and likeness...
Daily Devotional for July 14 – 20
Sunday James 2: 18 But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith...
Orthodox Quote for July 13
“I don’t expect we will be able to reach “the public” for Christ. The time is past for reaching “the #8221; Now we are going to have to reach...
Orthodox Quote for July 12
“Through repentance and practice of the virtues, however, we can recover the grace that God has already given us. Chipping away at the hardened muck of habitual sin, we...
Orthodox Quote for July 11
“The Scriptures constitute a coherent whole because they all are Christ-centered. Salvation through the Messiah is their central and unifying topic. He is as a “thread” that runs through...
Orthodox Quote for July 10
“All things become possible with the love of God and the constant repetition of prayer makes us always aware of the presence of his love. When a human strength...
Orthodox Quote for July 9
“’Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.’ The Lord taught by way of example that the glory of human ambition must be left...