Orthodox Quote for November 8
“It is only with broken hearts that we can draw closer to God. Those who theologize may have excessive confidence in their cognitive ability and lose humility of mind....
Orthodox Quote for November 7
“Having real faith is extremely difficult. Real faith is counter intuitive to modern man who prefers to rely upon his acumen, skill and knowledge when making any decision. Faith...
Orthodox Quote for November 6
“Sometimes man can do everything easy, other times he is bored, lazy, weaken, sad, or cold at heart. But do not get discouraged for there are many twists and...
Orthodox Quote for November 5
“Hades is not a place, no, but a state of the soul. It begins here on earth. Just so, paradise begins in the soul of a man here in...
Orthodox Quote for November 4
“Your child is not supposed to be hardworking, selfless, kind, and patient. He is supposed to be learning how to be hardworking, selfless, kind, and patient. If our children...
Orthodox Quote for November 3
“He makes cars and runs faster than the rabbits and the foxes. He makes ships in the sea, makes submarines to go in the sea together with the fish....
Daily Devotional for November 3-9
Sunday Ephesian 5:8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light 9 (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all...
Orthodox Quote for November 2
“It is necessary to prepare for confession: All of a splinter must be removed, for if there is any left, infection will begin. It is necessary to pray for...
Orthodox Quote for November 1
“… if a Swede becomes really interested in his faith and tradition, having failed to find Christ in his Lutheran tradition, then he begins to dig deep in history....
Orthodox Quote for October 31
“Man doesn’t account much when he receives, yet he remembers when he gives” (Elder Arsenie Papacioc of Romania, sayings)