Orthodox Quote for September 26
“A man in this world must solve a problem: to be with Christ, or to be against Him. And every man decides this, whether he wants to or not....
Orthodox Quote for September 25
“Food is not evil, but gluttony is. Childbearing is not evil, but fornication is. Money is not evil, but avarice is. Glory is not evil, but vainglory is. Indeed,...
Orthodox Quote for September 24
“All of us who walked towards the kingdom of light and eternal life are obliged to keep watch daily and see what sort of garments are soul is clothed...
Orthodox Quote for September 23
“All virtues are somehow the paths, the routes which lead us towards the Lord, towards His memory and towards our relationship with Him. But there is no better virtue...
Orthodox Quote for September 22
“It’s possible, but if you pay attention, you will see that you do not have an inner sweetness, in which case you will understand where you stand spiritually. Once...
Orthodox Daily Devotional for September 22-28
Sunday Galatians 5: I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the...
Orthodox Quote for September 21
“How many times has our conscience reproved us! The more a person listens to his conscience, and the more he attends to it, the more precisely it guides him....
Orthodox Quote for September 20
“Words often provoke irritation. Prayer and living example find resonance. Living faith moves people, regenerates them and changes them, whereas words alone remain fruitless. The best form of mission...
Orthodox Quote for September 19
“Many people take no account of their own gifts; they see only the gifts of others and are overcome by envy. They view themselves as having been wronged, as...
Orthodox Quote for September 18
“…Visits from fellow human beings are healing; just the presence of another human being is healing. Most noteworthy of all, I eventually learned that the ‘visitor’ and ‘visited’ become...