Orthodox Daily Devotional for August 4-10
Sunday Romans 6:8 – Brethren So many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death. Therefore we are buried with him by Baptism into death:...
Orthodox Quote for August 3
“The church becomes one body when those who have been called are bound to one another in the love of Christ, when they are bound also in the Spirit...
Orthodox Quote for August 2
“…everywhere that Orthodox monasticism exists, there are clergyman, monks and hierarchs who endure all hardships and pray for all of humanity. Because of their prayers God’s goodness does not...
Orthodox Quote for August 1
“When you are overtaken by remembrance of wrongs, your heart is filled with anger and your soul feels that it is in hell. To the best of our ability,...
Orthodox Quote for July 31
“God did all things through him. Therefore he is also said to have “taken the form of a slave.” It is not only the flesh of the slave that...
Orthodox Quote for July 30
“The Orthodox Christian should in every way oppose not only hatred for his ill-wishers and enemies, but even any feelings of dislike. Because hatred for another person is murder....
Orthodox Quote for July 29
“The Lord, unto Whom all hearts are open, knowing our avarice and trivial, covetous calculation in those cases, when we have to show hospitality and kindness to people, from...
Orthodox Quote for July 28
“Think of a skilled painter painting a likeness of himself on a surface. So we may now imitate the same characteristics that God himself has displayed in his becoming...
Daily Devotional for July 28 – August 3
Sunday 1 Peter Dearly beloved: Be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous: not rendering evil for evil, or railing...
Orthodox Quote for July 27
“The Orthodox Church teaches us that the soul and body do not live independently: the soul enlivens the body and the body provides a good environment for the labors...