Orthodox Quote for July 8
“If only Europe were to boast of Christianity as its most precious inheritance and greatest legacy! That is how it should have been and that is how it was...
Orthodox Quote for July 7
“It is called “Gospel” because it announces to us things that are good, namely, remission of sins, being counted as righteous, ascent into the heavens, and adoption as sons...
Orthodox Daily Devotional for July 7-13
Sunday Ephesians 8: Unto me who am less than the least of all Saints is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ,...
Orthodox Quote for July 6
“ You must meet your own self. And believe me it’s the most important acquaintance. A vast number of people live their lives never even bothering to discover themselves...
Orthodox Quote for July 5
“Do not fight against a person; we have to fight against the spirit of evil. Our fight is like this: We cannot do anything of our own strength, but...
Orthodox Quote for July 4
“The enemy of human souls is as busy sowing confusion, division, hatred and chaos, as he has ever been. We have a responsibility to seek to free souls from...
Orthodox Quote for July 3
“The Holy Scriptures were not given to us that we should enclose them in books, but that we should engrave them upon our #8221; (St John Chrysostom)
Orthodox Quote for July 2
“The reception of Holy Communion is not the end of our engagement as Orthodox Christians. In addition, we are grated certain gifts from the Holy Spirit just like the Apostles...
Orthodox Quote for July 1
“Is holiness possible today? Yes, if we commit to learning humility and meekness, as Jesus asked us to do: “Learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly of...
Orthodox Quote for June 30
“The body burdens the soul from the outside; cares and scattered thoughts wear it down from within…Cares do not leave any time to work on oneself. When they are...