Orthodox Quote for June 21
“ A seed will not grow without earth and water; and a man will not develop without voluntary suffering and divine help. Rain cannot fall without a cloud, and...
Orthodox Quote for June 20
“The principle and source of the virtues is a good disposition of the will, that is to say, an aspiration for goodness and beauty. God is the source and...
Orthodox Quote for June 19
“The struggler must be patient, enduring everything that comes to him. We must not hide our sins, but eagerly confess them. One who seeks humility must be content with...
Orthodox Quote for June 18
“For the Christian ought to hold feasts, not for months, nor new moons, nor Lord’s days, but continually through life to conduct a feast befitting him. What is the...
Orthodox Quote for June 17
“Remembering the constant blessings of God, we must always and for everything glorify His holy name, and this gratitude to the Lord should be expressed in offering a prayer...
Orthodox Quote for June 16
“But it is mainly the deeds of a love so noble that lead many to put a brand upon us. “See,” they say, “how they love one another,” for...
Daily Devotional for June 16 – 22
Sunday Luke 24:36 Now as they said these things, Jesus Himself stood in the midst of them, and said to them, “Peace to you.” 37 But they were terrified and frightened,...
Orthodox Quote for June 15
“Christianity is not a spectator sport. Hearing sermons or teachings, listening to the readings, attending Bible studies, are never ends in themselves. The Word of God becomes active when...
Orthodox Quote for June 14
“…do we spend much time examining our own conscience even before confession? Perhaps a few minutes, and once a year at that. Casting a cursory glance at our soul,...
Orthodox Quote for June 13
“So much that is put in front of us is so rich, and yet we don’t slow down our hearts enough and our minds enough to take delight in...