Orthodox Quote for May 8
“The demons do everything they can to turn us away from prayer: how easy it is to give in to skipping Evening Prayers after a long day, or omitting...
Orthodox Quote for May 7
“The Cross appears in Moses’ outstretched arms; the Cross is the rod that budded, the staff that struck the rock, the hands of Jacob crossed in blessing. The Cross...
Orthodox Quote for May 6
“”I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel,” not that He was not sent unto the Gentiles, but because it was to Israel...
Orthodox Quote for May 5
“O Death, where is your sting? O Hell, where is your victory? Christ is risen, and you are overthrown. Christ is risen, and the demons are fallen. Christ is...
Daily Devotional for May 5 – 11
Sunday **Easter/Pascha meditations from Catholic Bishop Challoner this week… ONSIDER, first, that the soul of our dear Redeemer immediately after his death descended into the lower parts of the...
Orthodox Quote for May 4
“…the suffering that proceeds from the attacks of evil spirits on man or due to human sins is suffering from evil. But the sufferings that God allows to befall...
Orthodox Quote for May 3
“We serve one another because we know that the world is full of pain and suffering caused by sin. We serve one another because we would hope that if...
Orthodox Quote for May 2
“…in the parable of the talents, when the master came and demanded an account of the funds (talents) he had invested; and in the parable of the ten virgins,...
Orthodox Quote for May 1
“Why did Christ curse the fig tree? To teach us that we should tremble when we hear about it… We should not be deceived by the thought that our...
Orthodox Quote for April 30
“… When you are tired of standing it is good that instead of sitting down comfortably you alternate the prayer so that it is sometimes said standing, sometimes kneeling...