Daily Devotional for March 17 – 23
Sunday **Assorted quotes from various sources for Lent Jesus, therefore, being wearied with His journey, sat thus on the well and it was about the sixth hour. There is...
Orthodox Quote for March 16
“We ought to know that temptation works through three forms. There is, first, the suggestion; then the enjoyment; lastly, the consent. When we are tempted, it often happens that...
Orthodox Quote for March 15
“…sometimes a man is unfair to himself, demanding more than he can give. He demands victory over his passions and grieves, worries, and resents himself when he sees that...
Orthodox Quote for March 14
“A humble man gives glory to God for everything. He rejoices in the smallest gifts and blessings as though he had received the costliest treasures of the world. He...
Orthodox Quote for March 13
“Since the early days of television right up to our present time we often see cartoons with someone, usually a child, being tempted by something wrong or harmful. The...
Orthodox Quote for March 12
“Every person has his own gift of the Holy Spirit, his hidden glory, his gold, and he must find it in himself so that he would not enter the...
Orthodox Quote for March 11
“…the Church is of two classes, whereof the one knows not how to sin, and the other sins no more. To wash away sin is the work of repentance,...
Orthodox Quote for March 10
“Some will say that it’s the physical act that is sinful… Jesus corrected those who thought just that when he expounded the fact that adultery began in the heart...
Daily Devotional for March 10 – 16
Sunday Luke 22:47 And while He was still speaking, behold, a multitude; and he who was called Judas, one of the twelve, went before them and drew near to Jesus...
Orthodox Quote for March 9
“Read the Bible, my dear children, read it often, and you will see that in addition to the good and the joy it brings you. At first it may...