Orthodox Quote for January 17
“We must look at and wait for our sins. We have to repent to our very last breath. We have to confess our sins honestly, live at peace with...
Orthodox Quote for January 16
“Where does peace come from? It can only come from the Lord himself. It research the holy scriptures we find it mention countless times. Our Lord Jesus Christ took...
Orthodox Quote for January 15
“You may overflow with temporal things but remain in need of eternal life. You hear the voice of a beggar, but before God you are yourself a beggar. Someone is...
Orthodox Quote for January 14
“In the striving to live according to the commandments of God, in reading the Gospel—the Word of God, and it does not really matter where you want to put...
Orthodox Quote for January 13
“He who tells everything he knows—knows little and is a #8221; (Blessed Ioan David, shepherd of Romania)
Orthodox Quote for January 12
“If we follow the faith taught by the devil—the faith of pride, faith in ourselves, in our own strength, if we follow faith in invented human values, in well-being...
Daily Devotional for January 12 – 18
Sunday **All Bible Verses are from the Douay Rheims translation, perhaps the most accurate. Psalm 1 — the happiness of the just and evil state of the wicked 1:1....
Orthodox Quote for January 11
“The pure of heart are those who have gotten rid of sin’s filth, have cleansed themselves of all the pollution of the flesh and have pleased God through works...
Orthodox Quote for January 10
“Even long after the funeral when it seems that someone is constantly in your thoughts, give alms even if it is just a bit of candy, some kind of...
Orthodox Quote for January 9
“If spouses always shared equally in a Christian manner the burden of their lives then life would be good for people even on earth. But since spouses are often...