Orthodox Quote for January 16
“At every liturgy in the Orthodox Church, just before the singing of the Nicene Creed, the priest or the deacon intones the words, “The doors! The doors!” This call...
Orthodox Quote for January 15
“All of us, all of you, are called to become little Christs, to become Christ. It is not in vain that we bear his Name: ours it is to...
Orthodox Quote for January 14
“We waste our time by imposing ourselves on others – like sharing with them the news and information in which they have no interest. Soft or diplomatic people are...
Daily Devotional for January 14 – 20
Sunday Navarre Commentary on Jesus’ teaching on the Church and government… At the same time Jesus’ answer provides the key to the right relationship between Church and State. Each...
Orthodox Quote for January 13
“Reading Scripture in this way – in obedience, as a member of the Church, finding Christ everywhere, seeing everything as a part of my own personal story – we...
Orthodox Quote for January 12
“The tragic rise in conflicts and wars flaring up in our own times appears to contradict this promised reign of peace… How often do we take lightly that we...
Orthodox Quote for January 11
“St. Paul tells us that even when things are difficult in our walk of faith we should nevertheless walk the road with patience. He tells us that we don’t...
Orthodox Quote for January 10
“When the soul comes to know how much it needs God’s bounties and sees how much His bounties benefit us in both our external and internal lives, then only...
Orthodox Quote for January 9
“That’s the kind of love we should show towards others, concerned for their physical as well as spiritual needs. As disciples of the ‘Good Samaritan’ we should become like...
Orthodox Quote for January 8
“Stillness is the opening of grace, the place where God swells. Stillness is unceasing worship and wanting upon God. The Christian life, life in Christ, is rooted in silence,...