Orthodox Quote for January 7
“It’s a great thing to be an ambassador for Reagan, or Gorbachev, or Mitterand, or Elizabeth of England. But I (“when I say, ‘I,’ I mean a priest,”), insignificant,...
Daily Devotional for January 7 – 13
Sunday Luke 20:1 Now it happened on one of those days, as He taught the people in the temple and preached the gospel, that the chief priests and the...
Orthodox Quote for January 6
“’God has appeared in the flesh’ therefore we like the Wise Men of old must come before the God-man bearing gifts – not of gold, frankincense and myrrh but...
Orthodox Quote for January 5
“Self-examination and prudence are an eye and a lamp for the soul, just as the eye is a lamp for the body…That is, through self-examination, a person examines and...
Orthodox Quote for January 4
“To be humble in spirit — this is such a blessing that there is none greater! A humble person resides on earth as though he is in Heavenly Kingdom,...
Orthodox Quote for January 3
“The large number of foretypes in the Old Testament, and the prophecies of the Patriarchs and Prophets during 5000 years before the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, both...
Orthodox Quote for January 2
“It is to carry our cross eagerly, whence two benefits are derived: One is to freely submit to the love for struggle, which is also described as our ‘cross’...
Orthodox Quote for January 1
“For our own good and for our own fortune let us at least promise ourselves that from this very day, this very hour, this very minute we will try...
Orthodox Quote for December 31
“…days come wicked and good, not from their own nature; for a day differs nothing from another day but from our zeal and sluggishness. If you perform righteousness, then...
Orthodox Daily Devotional December 31 – January 6
Sunday *Meditations this week from Catholic Bishop Challoneer (For New Year’s/Feast of the Circumcision) that our infant Saviour, being now but eight days old, began already to shed...