Daily Devotional for October 22 – 28
Sunday Readings from Catholic St Josemaria Escriva this week ‘Friends of God’ Certainly our goal is both lofty and difficult to attain. But please do not forget that...
Orthodox Quote for October 21
“Though no one forces us to choose today between idolatry and faithfulness, we often freely worship idols when we ground the meaning and purpose of our lives in some...
Orthodox Quote for October 19
“We work hard, study hard, toil and sweat and struggle and sometimes nothing seems to work. We work hard at our jobs, at our studies, at home, in our...
Orthodox Quote for October 18
“…there will also be deceptions which are so subtle that even the elect themselves might be fooled. Then the sign of the coming of Christ: it will be sudden,...
Orthodox Quote for October 17
“No matter what the many fates of humans are on earth, no matter what schemes and obstacles Satan and the godless prepare and no matter how great the apostasy...
Orthodox Quote for October 20
“By His birth in a cave, Christ sanctified the nature of the earth. By His baptism in the waters of the Jordan, Christ sanctified the nature of the waters....
Orthodox Quote for October 16
“Every Christian ascends the Golgotha that God has prepared for him, carrying the cross given him by God’s Providence. And in order to not despair, not despond and not...
Orthodox Quote for October 15
“’Been here. Done that. What next?’ became a popular expression quite a while back. It is very indicative of our way of life. We always want to be doing...
Daily Devotional for October 15 – 21
Sunday Luke 16:14 Now the Pharisees, who were lovers of money, also heard all these things, and they derided Him. 15 And He said to them, “You are those who justify...
Orthodox Quote for October 14
“At the last judgement, the sheep and goats will not be distinguished by their accomplishments, nor how sinless they were. Instead the judgement will be based on whether they...