Orthodox Quote for August 13
“The Scriptures contain four things: commandments, doctrines, threats and promises.“ (St Thalassios the Lybian, ‘On Love’ in the Philokalia)
Daily Devotional for August 13 – 19
Sunday *Excerpts this week from the Catholic Saint Josemaria Escriva But the name Joseph, in Hebrew, means “God will #8221; God adds unsuspected dimensions to the holy lives of...
Orthodox Quote for August 12
“All the pleasures of the world, and all the kingdoms of this earth, shall profit me nothing. It is better for me to die in behalf of Jesus Christ...
Orthodox Quote for August 11
“In general, we should not allow ourselves to celebrate any Christian feast without seriously considering: what is its meaning and what is its purpose; what is our responsibility towards...
Orthodox Quote for August 10
“The chief thing in Christianity, according to the clear teaching of the Word of God, is the fire of divine zeal, zeal for God and His glory, the holy...
Orthodox Quote for August 9
“Contemplate and live the divine events continuously. When someone contemplates the events of each feast, physiologically they will be moved with a special reverence to pray. Then during the...
Orthodox Quote for August 8
“Prayer, repentance and almsgiving: give at least a glass of water if you don’t have money. And you may note that the more you are sanctified…for your prayers are...
Orthodox Quote for August 7
“The conviction that prayer should be exclusively a matter of desire holds a specific place among other misconceptions existing in church today…The fact of the matter is that because...
Orthodox Quote for August 6
“All of it, the good and the bad, are given to us by God. In turn we offer back to Him in thanksgiving our praise. He alone knows what...
Daily Devotion for August 6 -12
Sunday Luke 11: 29 And while the crowds were thickly gathered together, He began to say, “This is an evil generation. It seeks a sign, and no sign will be...