Orthodox Quote for August 5
“God is everywhere present. He does not leave us, but we tend to tuck Him into a corner until it is convenient for us to pray or when we...
Orthodox Quote for August 4
“During your free time read the Holy Fathers and the teachers of the spiritual life. If you do not have their books, borrow them from someone who does…Your mind...
Orthodox Quote for August 3
“I have accepted Christ into myself. How can I not be calm?” (St Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain after receiving communion at the point of death)
Orthodox Quote for August 2
“The path to the Heavenly Kingdom is hard, for sin has taken over human nature and spoiled it. Each of us has our own personal sins. There are also...
Orthodox Quote for August 1
“Our belief is that man is created to be in communion and union with God, and that if he rejects this communion, he will not become a human being...
Orthodox Quote for July 31
“’I am not worthy.’ Is there any more rare saying in our current age? People go to the streets to protest their ‘worthiness’ of all sorts of things. Modern...
Orthodox Quote for July 30
“The time of the end, though it seems to be near, we do not know. However close, it is still future, and in the present we have only the...
Daily Devotion for July 30 – August 5
Sunday Commentary on the Lord’s Prayer The Tradition of the Church usually interprets the “bread” as not only material bread, since “man shall not live by bread alone, but...
Orthodox Quote for July 29
“Prize the virtues and do not be the slave of glory; for the former are immortal, while the latter soon fades.” (Isidore of Pelusia in ‘Sayings of the Desert...
Orthodox Quote for July 28
“The kingdom of heaven is Christ and it is also the life of virtue. For when someone lives as an angel on earth, is he not heavenly? So the...