Orthodox Quote for July 9
“To be humble means to consider ourselves deserving, for our sins, of every humiliation, injury, persecution, and even blows; and to be meek means to patiently endure injustice, abuse,...
Daily Devotional for July 9-16
Sunday Luke 10:21 In that hour Jesus rejoiced in the Spirit and said, “I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the...
Orthodox Quote for July 8
“There are such people among Christians who are ashamed of miracles. Such Christians are ashamed of and deny Christ Himself; and He Himself will renounce them before His heavenly...
Orthodox Quote for July 7
“Many desire virtue, but fear to go forward in the way that leads to it, while others consider that virtue does not even exist. So it is necessary to persuade...
Orthodox Quote for July 6
“The less a person carries, the easier it is for him to climb and the higher he is able to climb. So, too, in order to ascend spiritually, it...
Orthodox Quote for July 5
“As to the fatalism of those who believe that man must be a slave to the spirit of the age, it is disproved by the experience of every Christian...
Orthodox Quote for July 4
“Studying the Old Testament in this liturgical way and using the Fathers to help us, everywhere we uncover signposts pointing forward to the mystery of Christ and of His...
Orthodox Quote for July 3
“When we are provoked by some injury or threatened harm, or moved to rage, we seek revenge as far as possible. When we are unable to obtain it, we...
Orthodox Quote for July 2
“When Christ “hungered,” as it is written, then the devil made his move to tempt him; for he was not wholly amazed at the fact of his fasting for...
Daily Devotional July 2 – 8
Sunday St. Silouan the Athonite says, “If you encounter hardship, say, ‘The Lord knows my heart, and if this is what pleases Him, then everything will be good for...