Orthodox Quote for February 12
“Unfortunately, we all tend to get used to whatever we get used to. What we have experienced routinely in ourselves or from others, no matter how depraved, becomes normal...
Orthodox Quote for February 11
“A thirst for enjoyments appears, which intensifies with the gratifying of wanton passions, and finally becomes insatiable. It often happens that the unfortunate lover of the world, in order...
Orthodox Quote for February 10
“Man is a mystery. We carry within us an age old inheritance – all the good and precious experience of the prophets, the saints, the martyrs, the apostles and...
Orthodox Quote for February 9
“Why, in the area of the Church, are improprieties and injustices committed and why can we not find perfection even in the people who are most dedicated to God?...
Daily Devotional for February 9 – 15
Sunday A Psalm (3) of David when he fled from Absalom his son. Douay Rheims Translation Why, O Lord, are they multiplied that afflict me? many are they who...
Orthodox Quote for February 8
“It is better not to be born than to misuse life. The sun sees everything and keeps silent; the foolish man knows nothing and still talks. Why does God...
Orthodox Quote for February 7
“Real genuine joy and delight can only be found in Christ. If you unite with Him through prayer your soul will find fulfillment. People with a secular spirit joy...
Orthodox Quote for February 6
“…no one should presume upon his own righteousness nor distrust God’s mercy which shines out more pre-eminently then, when the sinner is made holy and the downcast lifted up....
Orthodox Quote for February 5
“A Christian community that would lose this missionary zeal and purpose, that would become selfish and self-centered, that would limit itself to “satisfying the spiritual needs of its members”,...
Orthodox Quote for February 4
“Humility and repentance are the only price by which the knowledge of Christ is purchased! Humility and repentance make up the only moral condition from which one can approach...