Orthodox Quote for December 6
“He is Love and He seeks love from us. It is when we love our neighbor that we show that we love Christ, #8221; (Elder St Joseph the Hesychast...
Orthodox Quote for December 5
“What is the result of such an estrangement from the Holy Church? It is the same as the result of the prodigal son’s leaving his parents’ house. Light‑minded youths...
Orthodox Quote for December 8
“Because it is precisely in the midst of the worst of all our sins that God Himself chooses to act. Apart from God, our best virtues will remain forever...
Orthodox Quote for December 4
“Love for Christ is something else. It is without end, without satiety. It gives life; it gives strength; it gives health; it gives, gives and gives. And the more...
Orthodox Quote for December 3
“’Churches’ may disappear, but The Church never will. For churches are not the work of Christ, but the Church. Moreover, if the Church disappears, as an institution, the essence...
Orthodox Quote for December 2
“…the priest must call the penitent to a necessary change. God does not forgive, unless the man desires a better life, makes the decision to fight his sins, to...
Orthodox Quote for December 1
“He who does not recognize his sinfulness, fallenness, and peril cannot accept Christ or believe in Christ; he cannot be a Christian. Of what need is Christ to the...
Daily Devotional for December 1 -7
Sunday *This week excerpts from the classic from the Middle Ages: Imitation of Christ Chapter 1: He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness,( 1) saith the Lord. These...
Orthodox Quote for November 30
“Whether standing, or sitting, whether we are sick or working, walking or eating or whatever else we are doing, we must recite the prayer for as long as we...
Orthodox Quote for November 29
“The natural that precedes faith is the path toward faith and toward God. Being implanted by God into our nature, it alone convinces us for the need to believe...