Orthodox Quote for September 30
“Don’t speak much about Christ and God to the children, but pray to God for the children. Words enter the ears, but prayer enters the heart. Listen to a...
Orthodox Quote for September 29
“Sometimes because of his anger, a person sometimes involuntarily takes on the load of his neighbor…I will state briefly: everyone that offends his neighbor accepts the temptations of the...
Orthodox Quote for September 28
“Peace received from the world, and not from God, is a shaky, unfaithful, wavering peace, which again and again turns into war. This world coexists in the human heart...
Orthodox Quote for September 27
“There are very many sects now which believe that Christ is coming to rule for a thousand years form the Temple in Jerusalem. Therefore, when the Jews start building...
Orthodox Quote for September 26
“One who goes regularly to Confession is immune to sorcery even if it’s piled on him by the shovelful. For when someone has confessed and his heart is pure...
Orthodox Quote for September 25
“All virtues are somehow the paths, the routes which lead us towards the Lord, towards His memory and towards our relationship with Him. But there is no better virtue...
Devotional For September 25 – October 1
Sunday Mark 9:42 But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his...
Orthodox Quote for September 24
“Why is true faith necessary for salvation? Because faith is not a simple statement of words, a simple intellectual conviction, the right faith is a living relationship with the...
Orthodox Quote for September 23
“The beginning of conversion to Christ consists in coming to know one’s own sinfulness and fallenness. Through this view of himself, a person recognizes his need for a Redeemer,...
Orthodox Quote for September 22
“Whoever hammers a lump of iron, first decides what he is going to make of it, a scythe, a sword, or an axe. Even so we ought to make...