Orthodox Quote for December 28
“How can we return to the blissful state that Adam and Eve enjoyed before they fell? God has shown a way through Redemption, by giving us commandments, a way...
Orthodox Quote for December 27
“Those who only hear about spiritual meditation and prayer and have no direct knowledge of it are like men blind from birth, who hear about the sunshine without...
Orthodox Quote for December 26
“…there are Protestant Christians who believe that salvation stems only from faith and that on the part of man himself there is placed no condition or requirement for his...
Daily Devotional for December 26 – January 1
Sunday *This week’s readings are from Catholic St Josemaria Escriva or Opus Dei. While not Orthodox the ideas contained are not contrary to Orthodox teachings. From CHRIST IS PASSING...
Orthodox Quote for December 25
“If you have lost a loved one (either recently or in the past), consider that if Christ wasn’t born, your loved one would be in Hades right now, but...
Orthodox Quote for December 24
“To be with God is to possess a home and country everywhere; without God home and country are but captivity and #8221; (St Tikhon of Zadonsk in ‘The Devout...
Orthodox Quote for December 23
“Every bodiless heavenly power is an icon of light in which the glory of God is reflected as in a mirror. “Therefore, angels appear before people as being clothed...
Orthodox Quote for December 22
“Above you is God’s Providence. He sees you and will not allow struggles beyond your capability. Trust Him ! He wants your heart; search within yourself for inward strength...
Orthodox Quote for December 21
“The help of God is always ready and always near, but is only given to those who seek and work.” (Blessed Theophan the Recluse, quote for his writings)
Orthodox Quote for December 20
“…we want immediately to become saints. Many people, when they once feel an aversion to their sinful behaviour, make a firm resolve to change their ways and place a...