Orthodox Quote for June 25
“I recommend to my parishioners to go outside, to take walks in the park or near their homes for at least 30 minutes a day. Take along prayer ropes...
Orthodox Quote for June 24
“God’s Law is given for us to protect and perfect ourselves. Let us pray to the Mother of God to help us rid ourselves of our bad habits, infirmities,...
Orthodox Quote for June 23
“If you don’t have a missionary spirit, it’s because you don’t care that people are dying in their sins. You’re literally willing to let that happen and not do...
Orthodox Quote for June 22
“It’s a strange paradox. When something isn’t very important, it’s not so difficult to concentrate. When we’re watching television we don’t suffer particularly from an inability to concentrate and...
Orthodox Quote for June 21
“Thus a man who strives for salvation…must not allow himself to eat to fullness…but should still eat all kinds of food so that on the one hand he avoid...
Orthodox Quote for June 20
“I wish to become better, I wish to worship God with love and yearning, and I dream about it and try my best, but nothing happens. But the thing...
Daily Devotional for June 20 – 26
Sunday Acts 2: When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of...
Orthodox Quote for June 19
“What are we thirsty for? What are we hungry for? To what or whom are we each dedicating our precious lives? If the Lord encountered one of us at...
Orthodox Quote for June 18
“The main task for us people is prayer. We were made to praise God. That’s the task to which we’re best suited. It’s the only thing that explains our...
Orthodox Quote for June 17
“Like a loyal guard, and without pressuring our will, this invisible and indefatigable protector of ours delivers us from all evil, misfortune, and sorrow, and serves as our guide...