Orthodox Quote for October 28
“In the industrial era, people became consumers and slaves to things produced. In post-industrial society, they are also becoming consumers and slaves to images and information, which fill their...
Orthodox Quote for October 27
“…even Christ was unable to awaken faith in those who did not want to believe, is it any wonder that in our time there are conscious and adamant atheists?...
Orthodox Quote for October 26
“Chase away the bad thoughts and fantasies that the devil presents. Don’t even notice them.” (Elder Iakovos Tsalikis+, counsels)
Orthodox Quote for October 25
“Coming to know Orthodoxy, what it really is, we become balanced; we can see everyone affectionately. We are helped by everyone, and by the grace of God we help...
Orthodox Quote for October 24
“…despite all the grace and mercy which He abundantly bestows upon us, does not implant in us this love and obedience fully formed and ready made. He does not...
Orthodox Quote for October 23
“Through His sacrifice we are reconciled to God because we come to the Precious Cross in faith…We believe in the mighty act of redemption that was accomplished by our...
Orthodox Quote for October 22
“The cross is the path of freedom from the bonds of the world and the lust of the body…Every struggle against sin in order to preserve my freedom is...
Bible Readings for the Week of October 23
SUNDAY Luke 16:19-31 FAITH FROM THE FATHERS… *St. James Feast is today” ST. JAMES THE BROTHER OF THE LORD: “(14-24) What does it profit, my brethren, if someone...
Orthodox Quote for October 21
“We can say that youth ministry is about guiding and helping our youth so that their names may be written in the Book of It is in this...
Orthodox Quote for October 20
“Most biblical scholars and historians today still agree that these writings were far later than those of our New Testament. And yet, year after year, books are published on...