Orthodox Quote for September 18
“You must never let suggestions of evil grow on you or a babel of disorder win strength in your breast. Kill the enemy while he is small, and, that...
Orthodox Devotional for Sunday, Septmeber 18
Matthew 21:33-42 (vineyard rented to tenants who kill the owners represtatives (prophets) and his son (Christ) Morally; a vineyard has been let out to each of us to dress,...
Orthodox Quote for September 17
“How good it would have been if we did not let pain go to waste! One way or another we will suffer. But our whole torture and struggle will...
Weekly Reading Guide September 19-24
Genesis 16 +16&version=NKJV Genesis 17:1-15 +17&version=NKJV Genesis 7:16-23 +17&version=NKJV Genesis 18:1-15 +18&version=NKJV Genesis 18:16-32 +18&version=NKJV Genesis 19:1-11 +19&version=NKJV
Orthodox Quote for September 16
“Any Liturgy which does not permeate the faithful with a strong feeling of the holy is a meaningless service. If one has a living priest, a living choir and...
Orthodox Quote for September 15
“You do not make God, but God makes you. If, then, you are God’s workmanship, await the hand of your Maker that creates everything in due time; in due...
Orthodox Quote for September 14
“Unfortunately, western rationalism has had its influence on certain Eastern Orthodox leaders…if they were to view the West spiritually, to see it in the light of the East, in...
Orthodox Quote for September 13
“The selfless missionaries who carry the truth of the Orthodox evangelical faith to all parts of the globe don’t rely on worldly strength, but on the power of love...
Orthodox Quote for September 12
“…they [Church Fathers] selected just a few words in a single, simple prayer, “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me” , so that the mind would...
Weekly Reading Guide
Tuesday: Genesis 13:1-9 Wed: Genesis 13:10-end Thursday: Genesis 14:1-12 Friday: Genesis 14:13-end Saturday: Genesis 15:1-8