Daily Devotional for May 26 – June 1
Sunday Readings from Luke and the Catholic Navarre Commentary on the Passion of Christ… The three Synoptic Gospels all report the profound reaction of the centurion, the reaction of...
Orthodox Quote for May 25
“If we wish to know the goodness of the Lord, we would do well to attend the services, and to do so attentively, listening for his voice, listening with...
Orthodox Quote for May 23
“As Orthodox Christians we are to look everywhere in Scripture for a personal application. We are to ask not just “What does it mean?” but “What does it mean...
Orthodox Quote for May 22
“Peace and joy are the fruit of humility. Here is the pier where all the good ascetics have found their rest, all those who grieved in soul, all who...
Orthodox Quote for May 21
“For the aim of heretics hastens to make the people attend to them, not to the Lord, so that they may boast in themselves” (Ammonios of Alexandria, quote from...
Orthodox Quote or May 20
“There are some who believe external deeds, an external calmness, or a rudimentary (or alleged) struggle for the faith makes them teachers, counselors and judges of the whole world....
Orthodox Quote for May 19
“I became Orthodox in part because I wanted the free will that God was offering. I wanted personhood. I did not want to submit to a life of possession....
Daily Devotional for May 19 – 25
Sunday Continued exposition on the ‘Stations of the Cross’ devotion and the Passion of Christ from the Catholic Navarre Bible Commentary Christian devotion also includes in the Way of...
Orthodox Quote for May 18
“According to Sacred Scripture, man is a temple, but it is a fallen temple, in need of cleansing and restoration. It bears the image of God, but that image...
Orthodox Quote for May 17
“Look, there are some people who have some egoism and God gives them a slap so that they will lower themselves a little. Others have a little more egoism...