Orthodox Quote of February 3
“ The more humble is our view of ourselves, the easier our pray ascends to God.” (St Sophrony of Essex, Seven Pieces of Advice)
Orthodox Quote for February 2
“There are many people who live piously, do everything, go to church, and believe in God. But when their faith is truly tested, it will be revealed that there...
Orthodox Quote for February 1
“From making the Sign of the Cross when you sit down to eat, to wearing a cross, to someone asking if you believe in Christ and you answering: “Of...
Orthodox Quote for January 31
“As one Holy Father wrote, adultery is a passion that we should not look in the eye. Some of the hardest struggles of the saints were against lust…When Paul...
Orthodox Quote for January 30
“For days come wicked and good, not from their own nature; for a day differs nothing from another day but from our zeal and sluggishness. If you perform righteousness,...
Orthodox Quote for January 29
“We say also that women who use drugs to bring about abortion commit murder, and they will have to give an account to God for the abortion. So, on...
Orthodox Quote for January 28
“When God lets such a person encounter the reality of life in this world with its inevitable storms and heartbreak, it is easy for the person’s faith to crumble...
Daily Devotional for January 28 – February 3
Sunday Navarre Commentary on Christ’s Teaching on the End Times… The disciples are in awe of the magnificence of the Temple, and Jesus uses the occasion to give a...
Orthodox Quote for January 27
“God demands not only the fulfillment of the commandments but also — more importantly — reformation of the soul, which is the reason why the commandments were given. The...
Orthodox Quote for January 26
“There are so many students who although they have studied all of the material will not go and take the exam because they fear failure! … if they humbly...