“Let us say, that there are two people sitting at a table, eating. In front of them is a plate with 10 apricots. If one, because of his gluttony, eats 7, and leaves only 3 for the other, then this is injustice. But if he says: ‘Listen: there are two of us, and there are 10 apricots. Consequently, each one should get five.’ If he eats 5, leaving the other 5 to his companion, then he will act fairly, that is, according to human truth…But if one of them sees that the other one likes apricots, and, pretending that he does not like them, eats only one-two, and tells his friend: ” Brother, eat the rest of the apricots, for I do not like them very much,” — then he will act according to Divine truth.”
(Elder St Paisios of Mt Athos, quote from fatheralexander Missionary Leaflet)