Orthodox Quote for May 9
“The kingdom of heaven? This refers to justification by faith and sanctification by the Spirit. This is why it says elsewhere, ‘the kingdom [of heaven] is within you’.” (St...
Orthodox Quote for May 8
“We may not consider the Word of God as having primary importance for us. We become a people wanting action, information that can be used immediately. We have created...
Orthodox Quote for May 7
“As the oil lamp cannot be lit without our hand, neither can our heart, our internal lamp, be lit without the holy fire of God’s grace, even if it...
Daily Devotional May 7-13
Sunday Navarre commentary on the Pharisee and women who anointed Him… Jesus notices the omission of the expression of human courtesy and refinement which the Pharisee failed to show...
Orthodox Quote for May 6
“Inner peace has as its foundation a firm and all-daring trust in God s providence, that whatever tribulations come upon us are for our spiritual benefit. It is when...
Orthodox Quote for May 5
“The faith of a few people who have confidence in Christ is a force that helps even those who are weak in faith, and sometimes even those who have...
Orthodox Quote for May 4
“In the Old Testament, Passover referred to the crossing of the Red Sea by the people of Moses, so it became a feast of the crossing from the land...
Orthodox Quote for May 3
“For the message of Christ’s Rising is not merely passed down from generation to generation, like other teachings or stories. It is passed down through experience: in baptism, we...
Orthodox Quote for May 2
“The Word of God sifts and illumines our thoughts, our hearts and intentions. Monk, nun, or layman, we are all called to make decisions, every moment: what – whom...
Orthodox Quote for May 1
“Some people think that Christ as the Victor over death should protect from earthly temptations and evil those who love Christ and live in Him, so that nothing evil...