Orthodox Quote for September 14
“All the world shall worship Thee and sing of Thee and bless Thy #8221; (Psalm 66/67)
Orthodox Quote for September 13
“When holy things, such as icons, the temple, are censed, that censing is directed toward God, giving Him due honor and glory. When the censer is turned toward people,...
Orthodox Quote for September 12
“Just because a thought comes, we’re not responsible for it. We commit no sin. Even Jesus Himself was tempted by Satan. When thoughts assault us, we should feel no...
Orthodox Quote for September 11
“…we should always bear in mind our ignorance of the time of our death, keeping ourselves from anger and recognizing that neither self-restraint nor the renunciation of all material things, nor...
Daily Devotional for September 11-17
Sunday *Excerpts this week from the Catholic Saint Josemaria Escriva from Christ is As we read in holy Scripture, the birth of Jesus means the beginning of the fullness...
Orthodox Quote for September 10
“There is the following children’s rule before Communion: the year the schoolchild is in should be the number of prayers from the rule for Communion he should read. But,...
Orthodox Quote for September 9
“Drinking the blood of animals was an ancient ritual in which one hoped to gain the attributes and qualities of that animal…The Eucharist is the only blood we’re allowed...
Orthodox Quote for September 8
“Your Nativity, O Virgin, has proclaimed joy to the whole universe! The Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God, has shone from You, O Theotokos! By annulling the curse, /...
Orthodox Quote for September 7
“Without this hierarchical structure the Church would become a purely human organization reflecting the various ideas, tastes, choices of men. She would cease to be the Divine Institution, God’s...
Orthodox Quote for September 6
“Censure stimulates the soul’s energy while praise weakens it and makes it sluggish toward good deeds.” (Blessed Fr. Elias, collected quotes from Bishop Alexander)