Struggle, my child; isn’t the present life a time for struggling? Isn’t the life of every earthly man but a dream? Raise the noetic eyes of your soul and behold heavenly hosts of angels and archangels. Lift up the eyes of your mind higher and behold the blissful place of Lucifer, who was once a rising star, now empty.

Oh, what a great destination! What a supremely holy calling! There, by the throne of God, souls will see the divine beauty of Christ and will be led up from knowledge to knowledge and from theoria to theoria with a superabundance of i idles of divine grace!

But in order to obtain these heavenly blessings, we must display bravery and mettle, and must engage in battles with- i ml turning our backs in defeat, keeping before us Jesus, Who aid to us: “Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world,”  the ruler of this world will be cast out.”  So  trusting in the invincible power of the crucified Christ, let us dedicate ourselves with simplicity to the struggle.

– ‘Counsels from the Holy Mountain’