“Discernment is regarded by the Fathers as “the highest of all virtues”. Therefore, we will not be mistaken if we place this virtue in the highest rank. What else is discernment other than ‘the spiritual eyes’, which perceive and discriminate the mysteries of the natural and spiritual world in all dimensions like the cherubs do? The Lord’s decree “have salt in you” (Mark 9, 50) is not far removed from the meaning of the virtue of discernment. “The wise man has eyes in his head” (Ecclesiastes 2, 14). What else does this verse mean other than the ‘eyes’ of discernment? How many times did our blessed elder [Joseph] describe this virtue to us and how many times have our Fathers written about it from their own experience? Those of our Fathers who have been blessed with the fragrance of this virtue of the Holy Spirit, have always become the center of attention for the people of their generation, who approach them to learn God’s wishes and solve their personal queries.”

‘Practical Repentance and its Fruits’