“The love which Christ revealed to the world, my dear, is the love from “before the foundation of the world” (John 17: 24). That love, therefore, is not temporal but eternal. Neither is it external but internal. “I am in my Father, and ye in me, and 1 in you” (John 14: 20). And where the Son is, there are also the Father and the Holy Spirit. He wants to fill the entire triune essence of a human soul with His love. Even though He is the host, he still knocks on every human heart as a humble guest, because He gave man freedom and does not impose himself. Blessed is he who submits his freedom to His love! “I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” (Rev. 3: 20).

Out of love for the human soul, the Lord Christ also cares for the human body as the vehicle of the soul. He feeds the hungry in the desert, heals bodily illnesses, saves them from storms and winds, cleanses them of impure spirits. He takes hold of the putrid eyes of the blind, touches with His hand the leprous and the dead, straightens the withered and the hunched. Yes, the hunched, my daughter, remember this. The most disgusting bodies are not disgusting to Him, neither are the most beautiful attractive to Him. He only looks at the souls which grow and ripen within bodily boundaries. He looks at every spiritual fruit of a body. And He also knows that it is often times the most disfigured apple tree which gives the sweetest fruit.”

~  ‘Missionary Letters Vol. 3’